
Red Stripes //

Monday, October 17, 2016

Last May, me and my roommate were studying for our finals and after seven hours of re-reading our notes and spending our precious time in the library, we realized that we really didn't care about any of it. We didn't want to spend any more of our time studying for a 2 hour exam that would barely affect our GPA's, especially since these classes had nothing to do with our majors. (Disclaimer, we do value school but when you're in college and it's May and it's warm outside, the last thing you want to do is be cooped up in a library trying memorize information).

That evening, we decided to create our own brand called BACKED UP NYC. Our brand focuses on hand-painted white tee shirts with our signature // logo and our red, black and white color scheme. Each tee is made to order, making each piece slightly different from each other. We have four designs which include our classic diagonal stripes //, a Karl Lagerfeld graphic, 'Yuck Fou' and a middle finger graphic. Here are a few pictures of me sporting our newest brand and be sure to follow us on Instagram @backedupnyc and order online on backedupnyc.tictail.com!

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  1. Love so so much this outfit!! Specially the t-shirt!!


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